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About us
The Progressive Party started in 1912 as a reaction to the massive poverty and income inequality of the Robber Baron Era.
We believe that an informed public should run the government, that public schools are an important part of this process, as well as a free press, including the internet.
We do not believe that the poor should be punished, that corporations are people or that
money is free speech.
We will unite with other left of center parties and individuals to elect the best candidates we can find, and to topple the Two Party System in favor of a government responsible to the people.
We are officially registered with the Secretary nf State
Issues are International, National, state, and local.
Lets start with the most annoying: The state of Washington is proud to be the home of the most regressive tax system in the whole United States. We disagree.
They feel strongly that those with the least money should pay the highest percentage of their income in taxes, and those with the highest income should pay the lowest percentage in taxes.
So, the homeless man on the street pays a much higher percentage of his tiny income than our billionaires.
As we continue this insane cycle, we have a lower and lower state budget, which hurts our schools, our infastructure and our right to run our own government.
Local problems most often come from letting one or two important businesses use the treasury as their own personal checkbook. Did you vote for that new street/stadium/office building? Or did Henry Gotzbucks want it?
National Issues stem, often, from uneducated or miseducated congressmen and others who cannot see that Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, that war is not a sure way to economic prosperity, and that corporations are not the people. Then there are the congressmen who don't believe in science. They are not helping things by demanding that needed remedies be stopped.

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"The Voice of the Peo ple should be
The Law of the Land.

Jane Addams, one of our party founders.
Bigger than you think, connect with Progressive Independent Party, National
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