How Do We Get Control of Our Own Government?
Are Corporations Really People ? League of Women Voters on Citizens United. P 15

National and International Issues
The most obvious issue is amending the Constitution to clarify that constitutional rights, including rights to free speech, apply only to natural
persons and not to corporations, and to authorize federal and state governments to limit, and require disclosure of, political contributions and expenditures. This is the source of so many of our other problems such as; Gerrymandering, interfering with the people's right to vote for the candidates they want, limiting the voice of the people in speaking to our elected representatives--all must be done to make our government work.
We have a right to a working economy that works for everyone. We prefer other ways to solving problems before war. All humans have rights, and no one is lesser than the rest of us when it comes to those rights. One other major item. If we don't want something to be rewarded, we must not allow tax breaks for that behavior. Instead we need to give tax breaks for good behavior--this means NO TAX BREAKS for fossile fuels'
Tax breaks for renewable fuels.
State Issues
Our state constitution requires that education be fully funded. This requires that those with money be fully taxed. The current taxation system is just unworkable. When people don't have money, they stop buying anything but the very basic needs. This cannot fund a state sales tax.
Real economics is not Top Down. The wealthiest people cannot buy more than a few of any item--imagine one billionaire buying ten thousand pillows...it makes no sense. The main body of comsumers are the many in the Middle Class. as they do well, they can afford to buy more than the most basic needs. If they earn enough, they can buy that house, car, television, computer, more expensive foods, etc. If the Working Poor earn enough to live on, they can afford new clothes, shoes, rent for a better place, medical and dental care. Then those selling these items or services can prosper and everyone does better. It seems so wrong to ask those very people who are the engine of prosperity to shoulder the largest tax burden and take a lower wage.
We must ask the largest corporations to pay their fair share--Even Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon.com. We must switch for an unworkable sales tax to a state income tax. We must educate our students without sending them into debt.
County and local issues
These elected officials are the closest for you to reach. This includes the school board, special districts, city or town officials and your county council. They run the things you are interacting with almost daily. Streets and roads, police, fire department, flood control and other water issues, schools, some hospitals, parks, cemetaries and so on. Some issues include not listening to the people. The is the one issue we hear about most often.
County issues often surround variances allowed developers despite local laws or ordinances, building in flood zones, allowing pollution of local drinking water, land fills and their proper care, property taxes and taxing everyone of installing utilites into a new developement.
Schools issues can vary from building safety, to textbooks, school closures, teacher training, Charter schools and over testing.