What is Happening to Public Housing?
More homeless, less low income housing. How does that make sense? It doesn't to me. Please send us articles are stories from other parts of Washington. Check out this article for a national view.
There is much more right here in Washington:
Needless to say, this is all rah, rah SHA, and reflects not one single problem with the plan. We believe that NO ONE should pay more than 1/3 of their income for rent. Why are the poor being asked to pay 40% or more? Will the profered jobs be there? Will anyone be able to afford the rent? What about Caregivers living with those who need them? Are they expected to get a job? And what are these, Public/Private partnerships about?
Send us your stories:
Susan Harmon Hour had us on recently. This was the show for 12-5-14. Susan is a member of the party.