
15 Now! We support a living wage for all.

A living wage means the amount a person needs to live in a healthy and dignified manner. We support a final goal of the ability for each person to afford rent in a safe, warm and dry place, enough food to eat, transporation to work, shopping, schools, medical and dental care, proper hygene, proper clothing, and some entertainment.
In the meantime, we support a minimum wage of $15 per hour as soon as possible, with no carve outs for health care or tips.
Reform Taxes!
Tax the Rich, Not the Poor!
Switch out the State Sales Tax for a State Income Tax, and stop tax giveaways to wealthy corporations.
Fully fund education. No Charter Schools. No over testing.
Help the Homeless
Help the Homeless!
We have been working on helping Nicklesville since it's inception. We support tiny house developements
for the homeless, the end to homeless sweeps, and treating them as human beings who just need some help.
Get more Low income (1/3 of median income or less) Housing built and maintained.
Don't Shoot Unarmed People!
Black Lives Matter, but so do Natives Lives, Lives of Teens, Mentally ill, Persons with Dementia. The point is, if you have a gun, and the person you want to shoot hasn't got a projectile weapon, or any at all, DON"T SHOOT! Wearing a uniform, still DON'T SHOOT! PERIOD. NO further discussion needed.