About Us

We are a legal entity in the state of Washington. Currently, we are hoping to expand from the King and Pierce County area to the whole state. All ages are welcome. We spend a lot of time testifying before state and local officials, phoning and emailing their offices, demonstrating, producing resolutions, and working with people who share our concerns. And we don't leave the federal officials alone either.
We would love to see more of us reminding our government that , "The Voice of the People Should be the Law of the Land."
Starting a local: The state of Washington prefers that local party units be organized by county.
If you can locate 10 or more people who would like to help form a local, and who agree with our platform--please email or write us and we will help you through the legal process, answer questions and show you some things we have learned along the way.
It is wise to avoid allowing people from one of the corporate parties to found your local, since they are often committed to get you back into their party.
Campus groups are also welcome. Just find out the rules for your school, then contact us.
Join the PartyLow Income $15 per year
Standard Membership $35 per year
Family Membership $50 per year
Hard Working Membership--ask us what you can do.
Contact us for help forming a Local!
The Progressive Party of Washington
2445 NW 57th St. #503
Seattle, WA 98107
Phone (206) 467-1370
Please leave your name, address, email and telephone number so we can get back to you!
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